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Two ladies sitting down in yellow tshirts with the Sightsavers logo on them. Both ladies are laughing and looking at each other.

About us

Sightsavers works to eliminate avoidable blindness and ensure people with disabilities can participate equally in society. Our vision is of a world where avoidable blindness is eliminated, and people with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else.

We do what we do because almost half of visual impairment can be treated or prevented. We also believe people with visual impairments and other disabilities deserve the same opportunities to learn, earn and be happy as everyone else.

Read more about our history and our mission.

Sightsavers Ireland is a charity registered with the Charities Regulator. Our registered charity numbers are:

Charity number (RCN): 20053246
Charity revenue number (CHY): 15437

Sightsavers is an international organisation that works in more than 30 countries across Africa and Asia.

Read more about where we work and what we are achieving in these countries.

Downloadable PDF versions of all our organisational policies, including our privacy policy, child safeguarding policy and our statement on human trafficking, are available online on our Accountability pages.

Our spending

Watch our short video to learn how your donation transforms lives.

For every €1 we receive (including donated supplies), 91c directly helps to prevent blindness, restore sight and support the irreversibly blind, and 9c grows awareness and funds.

If you choose to kindly donate to our work, your donation will go into our general funds and will be spent wherever the need is greatest. Examples of how your gift will help include:

Eye health
You’ll be supporting projects that will restore sight and prevent sight loss in some of the world’s poorest communities. Blindness can make coping with poverty so much harder, so these projects really do give children and adults a brighter future.

Preventing disease
You’ll also help us to eliminate trachoma and other debilitating diseases and ensure everyone can access good-quality health services.

Social inclusion
With your support, we ensure women, men and children with disabilities are able to go to school, see a doctor and get a job so they can support their family and take part fully in society.

We are committed to ensuring all our work is cost-effective and transparent.

Our annual reports and financial statements provide detailed information about where your money goes, our global statistics and our objectives.

Visit our governance page for more information about how we’re run.

If you would like to donate €10,000 or more, it may be possible for us to allocate your donation to a particular area of our work. Contact Moira on [email protected] or call 01 271 0233.

You can also find out more about becoming a major donor.

Unfortunately, if your donation is a smaller amount, it would cost Sightsavers too much to administer thousands of different gifts to different areas.

How to donate to Sightsavers

Thank you for wanting to donate to Sightsavers. You can set up a monthly donation via direct debit or card, or also make a one-off donation. There are several ways to do this:

  • Online via our donation page
  • Call us on our 24-hour donation line on 1800 20 20 20
  • If you would like a direct debit form/one-off donation form sent to you by post, or if you would like to make a bank transfer, please call us on 01 663 7666 or email [email protected]
  • Send a cheque or postal money order, made payable to Sightsavers, to Sightsavers, 305 The Capel Building, Mary’s Abbey, Dublin 7, D07R672,  Ireland. Please include your name and address so we can thank you for your gift.
  • If you meet our face-to-face fundraisers, you can set up your monthly donations via card or direct debit. For the safety of our fundraisers, and to ensure donations can be processed securely, we will never ask for or accept cash or cheques in person, via email or by text.

If you would like to update your personal details, direct debit details or your communication preferences, please let us know by calling our Supporter Care team on 01 663 7666 and we will update our records safely and securely over the phone. Alternatively, you can email [email protected].

NOTE: for security reasons, please DO NOT send personal bank details to this email address.

If you’re a taxpayer in Ireland, either via PAYE or self-employed, and gave €250 or more to Sightsavers within one calendar year, we can claim back the tax you have already paid on your donations from the Revenue. This means a donation of €250 is actually worth €362.32 – that’s an additional €112.32.

This extra amount alone could pay for a child cataract operations, two sight-saving trachoma operations, or medication to protect six entire communities from river blindness for a year.

To find out more, visit our tax-efficient giving pagecall us on 01 663 7666 or email [email protected].

The safety and security of your personal information and donations is extremely important to us.

We make every effort to ensure that the appropriate safeguards are in place, including many technical controls. This includes regular security audits of our networks and the use of encryption technology on our website. You will see the ‘https’ and padlock displayed in the address bar on our website and donation pages, which means your information is secure.

See our terms and conditions to read more about how Sightsavers uses and protects your data.

All the details that Sightsavers has about you are confidential. We do not sell or swap data with other parties, meaning your details won’t be passed on to any third parties.

Read more about our fundraising promise to our supporters.

Legacies and gifts in memory

Thank you for considering leaving a gift to Sightsavers in your will. By including Sightsavers in your will, you could change the future for generations of people in some of the world’s poorest countries.

To learn more about leaving a gift in your will to Sightsavers, visit our web page.

To discuss a gift in your will and how Sightsavers can even help you make or amend your will for free, contact Declan White at Sightsavers on 01 663 7666 or email [email protected].

Please accept our sincerest condolences for your loss and thank you so much for thinking of us at this time.

If you would like to donate to Sightsavers in memory of a loved one, our Supporter Care team will advise you how you can do it.
Please call 01 663 7666 or email [email protected].


Thank you for wanting to fundraise for Sightsavers! There are lots of fun and exciting ways to raise money, from running a marathon to hosting a coffee morning. Everyone has something they love doing that could help us raise funds.

For more information, contact us at [email protected] or call 01 633 7666.

Jobs and volunteering

Visit our jobs page to find out more about our current job opportunities around the world.

Please be aware that we do not accept applications through CV. When applying for a role, please fill out the necessary forms.

Thank you for wanting to volunteer your time and skills to help Sightsavers. Unfortunately we do not use the services of volunteers for our overseas work or in our offices. All our overseas staff and volunteers are recruited in the countries in which we work.

A key element in many of our programmes is training local health workers, including cataract surgeons, nurses, specialist teachers and health volunteers, so they can provide their own community with the eye care service it needs. We see this as crucial to the long-term sustainability of our programmes, and is the most cost-effective way to use the limited resources available to us.

Contact us

Thank you for wanting to get in touch – we would love to hear from you.

Call us on +353 (0)1 663 7666
Email us at [email protected]
Write to us at 305 The Capel Building, Mary’s Abbey, Dublin 7, D07R672, Ireland.

Follow us on Twitter @SightsaversIE
Like us on Facebook
Find out more about us on YouTube
Take a look at us on Instagram

Our Speak Up reporting platform is a global way of reporting improper conduct, either online or by phone, and enables beneficiaries, employees, volunteers, partners and more to raise concerns about the conduct of Sightsavers and its staff.

See our contact page for more information about getting in touch.